Saturday, February 28, 2009

Gospel Primer on Sale

If you read this blog, and don't yet own A Gospel Primer for Christians by Milton Vincent, why not? Maybe you were just waiting for the price to drop.

By the way, how do you pronounce "primer"?


BoldLion said...

I got one but haven't read it yet! I need 3 months pay vacation and plus gift card to go out to eat everyday to catch up all the books that I want to read!

I would be the wrong person to ask how to pronoun "primer"!

Hungry to eat His Word,
'Guerite ~ BoldLion

Anonymous said...

My searching all points to the "i" being short. As in " primmer".

Dan Rolfe said...

1. prim·er (prĭm 'ər) n.
An elementary textbook for teaching children to read. A book that covers the basic elements of a subject.

2. prim·er (prī 'mər) n.
An undercoat of paint or size applied to prepare a surface, as for painting.


Pastor Jeff said...

I have been told by sources that it is with a short "i" not with the long "i" like the pronunciation of the button that you push on a weed eater.

When I am talking to guys who only know about engine primers, I say it with the long "i".

What a book!

Anonymous said...

I know exactly how you feel about cathcing up on reading. Although, I would like to point out how I fit this wonderful book into my mix of reading. It has 31 short readings in the first section. I went through and numbered each heading 1 through 31. I then just read a section a day and in a month I had that part read. (that seems to be the longest single division)

The other few chapters only take a little while to read after that.

Hope that helps.