Monday, May 18, 2009

Jesus in each chapter of John

If I had to narrow it down to just one aspect of Jesus in each chapter, I'd go with this:

In chapter 1, He is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.
In chapter 2, He is the true temple.
In chapter 3, He is the teacher from God.
In chapter 4, He is the living water.
In chapter 5, He is the authoritative judge.
In chapter 6, He is the bread of life.
In chapter 7, He is the One who abundantly gives the Spirit.
In chapter 8, He is the light of the world.
In chapter 9, He is the One who opens blind eyes.
In chapter 10, He is the good shepherd.
In chapter 11, He is the resurrection and the life.
In chapter 12, He is the promised King.
In chapter 13, He is the humble servant.
In chapter 14, He is the returning Savior.
In chapter 15, He is the true vine.
In chapter 16, He is the One who has overcome the world.
In chapter 17, He is the One who has guarded His own.
In chapter 18, He is the willing sacrifice and sovereign Lord.
In chapter 19, He is the Passover lamb.
In chapter 20, He is the resurrected One.
In chapter 21, He is the restoring Savior.


Andrew said...

I'm new to your blog...found it from sbcvoices.

Is there any way I can find (hear/read) your sermon series on John? Your summaries recently have been helpful and enlightening.

pastor justin said...

thanks for visiting the site.

You can access all of our Gospel of John sermons at (our church website).
Just chose "John" in the dropdown menu of the "sermons" page.