Thursday, July 03, 2008

"I Will in No Wise Cast Out"

In John 6:37, Jesus promises that those who come to Him will not be cast out.
Bunyan ponders: Jesus promises that those who are His will not be cast where?

Here is his list:

1. Tophet ("a burning place") - Isa. 30:33
2. Hell - Mark 9:45
3. The Wine-Press of the Wrath of God - Rev. 14:19
4. The Lake of Fire - Rev. 20:15
5. A Pit - Isa. 14:13-15
6. A Bottomless Pit - Rev. 9:1-2; 20:3
7. Outer Darkness - Mat. 23:13; 25:30
8. A Furnace of Fire - Mat. 13:40-51
9. Where the Worm Does Not Die - Mark 9:44
10. Unquenchable Fire - Mat. 3:12; Luke 3:17
11. Everlasting Destruction - 2 Thes. 1:7-9
12. Wrath Without Mixture - Rev. 14:9-10
13. The Second Death - Rev. 20:6, 14
14. Eternal Damnation - Rev. 14:11

Bunyan adds:
"Their behaviour in hell is set forth by four things as I know of; (a.) By calling for help and relief in vain; (b.) By weeping; (c.) By wailing; (d.) By gnashing of teeth."

2 Observations:
1. Flee to Christ now. He is the only Savior from these dreadful realities. You don't want to spend eternity calling for help in vain.
2. Notice how Bible-saturated Bunyan was. He didn't have to help him find these references. He just knew them.

Come and Welcome to Jesus Christ, Works, pp. 272-273.

1 comment:

BoldLion said...

Hi! Justin,

I am looking forward to your next Sunday (6-13) sermon about this John 6:37 as well as John 6:30-40.

It is amazing how much we can learn from John Bunyan and others that is no longer living on earth.

Glad to have you back to NC!

Hungry to eat His Word and Learn from Him!
'Guerite ~ BoldLion